Project List
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Innovative interpretative aids: Evaluation

Evaluation of user satisfaction of an interactive map, hand held PDA's and audio guides plus solar powered boat and buggy trips and the associated Data Asset Management System for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

Black grouse in Southern Scotland

Production of strategy and practical recommendations for sensitive visitor access to a number of Black Grouse lekking sites. This included an interpretation plan for Black Grouse in the Borders and Dumfries and Galloway. For the Southern Uplands Partnership.

Interpretation centre: Stornoway

Development of themes and ideas for a new woodland interpretation centre for the Stornoway Trust on the island of Lewis.

Heritage Lottery Fund: external advice

Advice to the HLF on the feasibility of a proposed interpretative and leisure development in the Outer Hebrides

Artists in residence: Tyndrum Community Woodland

Appointment and supervision of two sculptors producing interpretative 'markers', viewpoints and entrances for Tyndrum Community Woodland.

Interpretative plan: Tyndrum Community Woodland

Detailed site analysis and community consultation to identify locations for sculptural and interpretative elements, footpaths and entrances. The study included landscape and ecological assessments and the design and production of interpretative panels and leaflets.

Interpretation Centre: The Forest for a Thousand Years:

Part of team investigating the potential for development of an interpretation centre and interpretative material for the Millennium Forest for Scotland's flagship project on Loch Lomondside.

Wood Experience Centre: Grampian Regional Council

Management of multidisciplinary feasibility study for a major UK visitor centre for the Forest Industry, to deliver both local and national benefits.

'Tree' visitor centre: Alba Trees

Input to study to assess the potential for developing an interactive education and interpretation facility and a PR and marketing focus. Development of themes and concepts, and design recommendations

Training and Interpretation Centre: Borders Region

Input to study examining the potential for employment, community involvement and education arising from a regional training and interpretation centre linked to a sustainable programme of broadleaf timber production

Arts and Crafts centre: Castle Cary

Assessment of potential uses, likely markets and development funding for arts/crafts centre in a medieval castle with walled garden and woodland in Central Region



Nature reserves in Scotland: Accessibility

The design of an assessment methodology and its practical application to 52 Scottish Natural Heritage Nature Reserves. This resulted in detailed plans for improvement to each reserve to ensure conformity with the Disability Discrimination act and generally improve access, interpretation and information.

Community Path Network Action Plans: Coll and Tiree

A survey of all potential paths plus a detailed community needs analysis using participatory techniques, culminating in the production of a prioritised action programme for core access routes, including recommendations for promotion and interpretation.

Community environmental project: development assistance

Identification and development of a range of projects rooted in the community and linked to the local SSSI for funding through the ‘Special Places Fund’. These included all–ability moorland access, improved interpretation and remote viewing of endangered species for the Langholm Initiative.


Local Path Networks: City of Edinburgh Council

A detailed analysis of three areas within Edinburgh to identify the potential for creating local path networks as part of the city's access strategy. The project involved extensive community consultation.

Water Based Recreation

Literature research for proposed Environment Agency database on supply and demand for water based recreational activities throughout England and Wales

Strategic Recreational Development: Forest of Mercia

Analysis of the markets, constraints and opportunities for the development of a wide range of recreational activities within the context of the developing 23,000 ha Community Forest, north of the Birmingham conurbation

Waterway networks: London Borough of Hounslow

Assessment of the environmental and recreational potential of all waterways in the London Borough of Hounslow:


Hospital grounds: community project

Participatory project with staff and patients at the Argyll and Bute Hospital and the Lochgilphead community re developing access to and practical involvement in management of the extensive hospital woodlands and other grounds.

Community Woodlands Guidelines

Editing, researching and writing a range of information sheets for the Reforesting Scotland Community Woods Information Pack.

Laide, Wester Ross: participatory consultation

Management of a community consultation exercise to gauge support for the community purchase of an 87ha woodland, and obtain ideas on community needs and desires for its use.

Dunbar, East Lothian: participatory consultation

Management of a community consultation exercise to obtain input on the use, management and development of a large woodland due to be handed over to a community management group.

Strathglass: participatory consultation

An exploration of local attitudes to the possibility of community woodland purchase of, or partnership agreements for, woodlands in the Strathglass area.

Dervaig Mull: woodland and community survey

Management of a detailed survey and financial plan, development ideas and community consultation for two large woodland holdings in the north of Mull

Drybridge, Ayrshire; community exhibition

Production and management of a weekend drop-in exhibition of ideas for the use of a local woodland.

Biggar, Lanarkshire: participatory consultation

A week-long community consultation on local ideas for the management of an urban woodland plus opportunities for community involvement in other land in and around Biggar.

Isle of Arran: participatory consultation

Management of an island-wide consultation on the potential community adoption of an area of semi-natural ancient broadleaf woodland.

Plora and Caddonbank, Borders: participatory consultation

Consultation events with two communities in the Scottish Borders about local involvement in planning and managing two Forest Enterprise woodlands.

Torwood, Stirling: participatory consultation

Consultation with three urban communities surrounding a large area of woodland with archaeological interest near to the M76 motorway, regarding potential community purchase and use.

Rural Development Forestry

Research into resources and projects across the UK as part of a Forestry Commission national study

Sustainable Forestry

Collation of all responses to the Forestry Commission's national survey on the sustainable management of forests

Community Woodlands: information distribution

National survey carried out for the Forestry Commission, to determine the need for an information centre or distribution mechanism covering all aspects of community woodland development and management

A National Woodland Network: the Role of the Urban Forest

Analysis of the potential contribution of urban and urban fringe trees and woodlands to the development of a Forest Habitat Network in Scotland for Scottish Natural Heritage. Detailed analysis of potential benefits of urban trees, and mechanisms for developing and enhancing these benefits were included

Urban Forestry survey: Forestry Commission

A UK wide survey for the Forestry Authority of all Urban Forestry, urban fringe woodland and community initiatives, plus organisations and individuals involved in the promotion and practice of such initiatives

Community Forest Feasibility Study: North Worcestershire

A study for Hereford and Worcestershire County Council to identify mechanisms for major development of their Urban Fringe Countryside Area Programme. A survey was also undertaken to assess condition, recreational, ecological and timber value of existing woodland, and opportunities for future woodland

Sponsorship Study: National Forest

An assessment of the potential amount of corporate funding accessible to the NNF over the first ten years and the investment needed to secure that funding

Co-ordination of the Forest of Belfast: Belfast Development Office

Project co-ordination over a 7 month period of the Forest of Belfast an initiative organised by 10 major organisations in NI. Included survey work, project design and supervision and strong community involvement

Urban Forest Masterplan: Edinburgh District Council

Production of a District-wide Strategic Masterplan for the District Council Planning Department, incorporating guidelines on wildlife habitats, historic landscapes, new woodland creation and community involvement. Based on earlier detailed survey work, including compilation of computer database of municipally owned trees

Fear and safety: Attitudes to using woodlands

Production of guidelines on woodland use and design for the Community Forests manual


Nature reserves in Scotland: Accessibilty

The design of an assessment methodology and its practical application to 52 Scottish Natural Heritage Nature Reserves. This resulted in detailed plans for improvement to each reserve to ensure conformity with the Disability Discrimination act and generally improve access, interpretation and information.

Environmental impact assessment: Green Belt Nottingham

Environmental impact assessment and production of development guidelines for Nottingham City Council. Key witness at Planning Enquiry

Environmental impact assessment: Extraction and Landfill, Kintyre

Assessment of the environmental impact of proposed landfill, and landscape guidelines for reinstatement of area of mineral extraction. Private client.

Lowland Grassland Survey: Renfrew and Inverclyde

A detailed Phase 1, NVC and enhanced NVC survey of lowland grassland in Renfrew and Inverclyde Districts. For Scottish Natural Heritage

Integrated Management Plan: Calderglen, East Kilbride:

A detailed survey of flora and fauna, plus assessment of ecological, educational and recreational and timber value, followed by production of integrated management plan for the 80 compartments of the wooded glen

Landscape Assessment: Moray Firth

Landscape ecology assessment of the Moray Firth and surroundings. Investigation of likely future impacts on landscape character. Commissioned by SNH.

Landscape and Environmental Assessment: Chatelherault Country Park, Lanarkshire

An assessment of the ecology and landscape as part of a comprehensive development plan for the 500 acre park, which includes a Medieval hunting forest, deer park and the Avon gorge.

Development Assessment: Calderglen Country Park, East Kilbride:

A detailed assessment of the potential for development and improvement of existing resources within the Park. For Lanarkshire Development Agency and East Kilbride District Council

Borough-wide Landscape Assessment: Berwick Borough Council

Design of methodology, staff training and management for the production of an environment and landscape assessment for the whole of Berwick Borough. This was used as a basis for the Borough Plan


Solar powered transport and innovative interpretative aids: Evaluation

Evaluation of sustainability and user satisfaction of solar powered boat and buggy trips plus an interactive map, hand held PDA's and audio guides and the associated Data Asset Management System for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.

Renewable Energy Development Strategy: Borders Region

Assessment of ecological and landscape impact of short rotation coppice, wind turbines and other renewable energy installations for Borders Enterprise and Borders Regional Council

Arable Energy Coppice Feasibility Study: Forest of Mercia

Co-ordination of multidisciplinary assessment of constraints and opportunities within the 23,000 ha of one of the lead Community Forests for the production of short rotation coppice for energy production; analysis of the ecological implications, and recreational and educational opportunities. For the UKAEA Energy Technology Support Unit

Audit of Environmental Legislation: University of Edinburgh (Eureika Project)

Detailed research into potential implications of environmental legislation in relation to activities and practices within the University of Edinburgh as part of its major Environmental Audit

Sustainable housing: Tarn Region, France

Provision of advice, ideas and designs for the conversion of various agricultural buildings into environmentally sustainable homes.


Community environmental project: development assistance

Identification and development of a range of projects rooted in the community and linked to the local SSSI for funding through the 'Special Places Fund'. These included moorland access, improved interpretation and remote viewing of endangered species.

Hospital grounds: community project

Participatory project with staff and patients at the Argyll and Bute Hospital and the Lochgilphead community re developing access to and practical involvement in management of the extensive hospital woodlands and other grounds.

Community Woodlands Guidelines

Editing, researching and writing a range of information sheets for the Reforesting Scotland Community Woods Information pack.

Laide, Wester Ross: participatory consultation

Management of a community consultation exercise to gauge support for the community purchase of an 87ha woodland, and obtain ideas on community needs and desires for its use.

Dunbar, East Lothian: participatory consultation

Management of a community consultation exercise to obtain input on the use, management and development of a large woodland due to be handed over to a community management group.

Participatory consultation: Strathglass

An exploration of local attitudes to the possibility of community woodland purchase of or partnership agreements for woodlands in the Strathglass area.

Dervaig Mull: woodland and community survey

Management of a detailed survey and financial plan, development ideas and community consultation for two large woodland holdings in the north of Mull

Drybridge, Ayrshire; community exhibition

Production and management of a drop-in weekend exhibition of ideas for the use of a local woodland.

Biggar, Lanarkshire: participatory consultation

A week-long community consultation on local ideas for the management of an urban woodland plus opportunities for community involvement in other land in and around Biggar.

Isle of Arran: participatory consultation

Management of an island-wide consultation on the potential community adoption of an area of ancient broadleaf woodland.

Plora and Caddonbank, Borders: participatory consultation

Consultation events with two communities in the Scottish Borders about local involvement in planning and managing two Forest Enterprise woodlands.

Torwood, Stirling: participatory consultation

Consultation with three urban communities surrounding a large area of woodland with archaeological interest near to the M76 motorway, regarding potential community purchase and use.

Participatory consultation: Borders Region

Management of a series of consultation exercises to engage local communities in the development of two new community woodlands.

Local Path Networks: City of Edinburgh Council

A detailed analysis of three areas within Edinburgh to identify the potential for creating local path networks as part of the city's access strategy. The project involved extensive community consultation

Film: Community woodlands

Production of a 20 minute video film on the benefits and practicalities of establishing a community woodland - for Central Scotland Countryside Trust

Artists in residence: Tyndrum Community Woodland

Appointment and supervision of two sculptors producing interpretative 'markers', viewpoints and entrances for Tyndrum Community Woodland.

Community Woodlands: information distribution

National survey carried out for the Forestry Commission, to determine the need for an information centre or distribution mechanism covering all aspects of community woodland development and management

Community Forest Feasibility Study: North Worcestershire

A study for Hereford and Worcestershire County Council to identify mechanisms for major development of their Urban Fringe Countryside Area Programme. A survey was also undertaken to assess condition, recreational, ecological and timber value of existing woodland, and opportunities for future woodland

Urban Forestry survey: Forestry Commission

A UK wide survey for the Forestry Authority of all Urban Forestry, urban fringe woodland and community initiatives, plus organisations and individuals involved in the promotion and practice of such initiatives


Film: Liquid Paradise - memories of 120 years of swimming in "the Pond"

Production of a documentary film, archive and photographic exhibition about a Victorian swimming pool in Edinburgh. This involved wide ranging interviews with local community members and pool users.

Film: Community woodlands

Production of a 20 minute video film on the benefits and practicalities of establishing a community woodland - for Central Scotland Countryside Trust.

Launch Video: Community Forests

Production of 20 minute film for the launch and promotion of the national Community Forests initiative. Presenter, Anne Greg

Delivery Video: Community Forests

Production of follow up video film targeted at the many individual projects contributing to the Community Forests initiative. Presenter, Chris Baines

TV Documentary: Arthur and the Lost Kingdoms

Production assistance on hour long STV documentary about King Arthur in the Borders.

Video Film: Otters and the Skye Bridge

Editing of 1 year of film footage of otters and other animals using a new underpass under the Skye Bridge to produce a 20 minute documentary for the Wildlife Partnership on behalf of the Scottish Executive.

Survey and Research
Community Projects
Film Production
Project List
Client List
Professional Experience
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